Thursday, May 26, 2016

Building DPS Apps for Android

You can crte DPS apps for Android devices by using two different viewer types: native Android viewers and AIR-based legacy Android viewers. Here is Part 1 of this 2 Part Article:
Native Android viewers
The new native version of the Android app is designed to support and tablets running Android 4.0.3 or later. In order to crte a native Android app, just use the Web-based DPS App Builder as described in this article.
Legacy Android viewers
An AIR-based Android viewer includes a of performance and device limitations. However, if you still need to crte an AIR-based Android viewer, just use the desktop DPS App Builder.
Support for both viewer types
intends to continue support for both of these Android viewer types. But, the legacy Android viewer will remain on the v29 viewer base only until it is no longer supported.
Note that the two different versions of the Content Viewer are both available in Google's Play Store. The native app is called " Content Viewer for Android," and the legacy app is titled " Content Viewer for Android (legacy)."
Supported ftures in native Android viewer
The native Android viewer will support most DPS ftures that are supported in iOUpdates to the native Android viewer format occur quite frequently. To track the new ftures for ch relse, look at the DPS Bug Fix Relse Notes. For a fture comparison chart, see the DPS supported ftures list.
supported ftures:
- Android and tablets (4.0.3 or higher)- Pinch and zoom in articles that fture PDF, PNG, or JPEG format- Scaling folios fitting the screen (any article format)- Google Play single-issue purchase- Direct entitlement and the HTML entitlement banners- Custom libraries- Rding API- Analytics- To the top
Limitations of the native viewer
Current Android viewer limitations:
- Library is always shown in portrait.
- Hyperlinks open in the external browser, and not the in-app browser.
- Crossfades in slideshows don't always work clnly.
Files required for building native Android viewer
- App icon in PNG format. The web-based DPS app builder automatically scales the to 96x96.
- Valid certifie. The certifie can either be a .p12 certifie or a .tore file.
Building a native Android viewer app
Use the Web-based DPS App Builder in order to build a native Android DPS app. The App Builder cannot sign the .apk file. So, use the DPS App Signing Tool in order to sign the app that can be submitted to the store.
1. Using an ID with a DPS App Builder role, go and sign in to the web-based DPS app builder.

2. Click the plus icon to build a new app.
3. Follow the prompts to build the app.
eral settings
In the eral pane, use these settings.
Appliion Name. Specify the exact name of the app. This name will be under the app icon and in the store UI.
Bundle ID. Specify a Bundle ID using reverse DNS formating, such as com.publisher.publiion. Do not use dashes or other special characters.
If you are updating an existing Android app, simply use the same Bundle ID previously specified in DPS App Builder.
Privacy Policy URL. (Optional) Specify the URL of a web page that describes your privacy policy.
Override the App Version . This option is necessary only if you are updating an app and you used DPS App Builder or another tool to crte an existing app. Then select this option and specify a more recent version . Also, you can specify a marketing version which can be any you want. For information about obtaining the app version , see Setting version s in the Web DPS App Builder.
Appliion Account / . Select the Appliion account, also referred to as a "Title ID", used to publish the folios that appr in the app library.

Crting DPS apps for Android devices can be done by using two different viewer types, either native Android viewers or AIR-based legacy Android viewers. This concludes Part 1 of this 2 Part Article. You can rd Part 2 in our article series.

Austen Selby content editor at Difference. I love writting articles on android apps, and social media consultants, business consultants .

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