Thursday, May 26, 2016

5 Tips to Boost up your Blog's SEO

Is content still king in the Srch Engine Optimization (SEO) world? Without a doubt the answer to this question is YES! Fresh relevant content is one of the most affordable and doable organic SEO tools. With well written content your visitors get an automatic benefit from your site. They will find information they need and want when they land on your pages. This willattractandkeepvisitors and convert them into clients and customers. Here arefive tipson how to use content to boost and maintain your SEO.High Quality ContentAll of your pages, ch and every one of them, need to adhere to the strictest quality. This mns no grammatical or spelling errors, well written text, and content your visitors will find interesting and useful. Don’t skimp on thecrtion of your content. If you’re not a writer hire a professional copy writer to write your content. Ask for samples of their work and check out the links they give you for reference. The writing should be conversational yet professional, and it should be interesting. Be dilit about editing, if need be hire a copy editor to ensure you are getting the highest quality content.
Do Your Resrchword resrch is paramount for SEO. Spend some time thinking about the message you want to get across and how people will srch for your site. There are several tools you can use to performword resrch, and many of them are free. If you are selling a product on your site what need does it fulfill? Why would someone srch for your product online? What words and phrases would they enter into a srch engine? The answers to these questions are a starting place forword resrch. Make a list of relevant words and words phrases and then useword toolsto ferret out the ones with the highest hit rates.Don’t Stuff Your PagesWhen it comes to words more is not necessarily better. There is a fine line between smart use of words andword stuffing. Srch engines actually penalize sites that use either too many words or stuff their pages with words. Once you identify the best words for your page, use them naturally in your content. While there is no magic forword density try to use them around five times on a page, or strive for a density of around 2.5 percent. words and word phrases should be a natural part of the content on ch page of your site.Engage Your RdersSrch engines are able to msure how many people visit your site and how long they stay there. Withengaging content rderswill stay on your site longer and return more often. How do you crte engaging content? Give yourvisitors something they need. If you’ve followed the list so far you’re on your way to crting engaging content.Encourage comments and encourage rders to connect with you on social media. You do have social media accounts right? If not get them now.Social mediais one of the ways to get your rders to interact with you and become loyal followers. ch time you post a new blog or share something new on a social media site your followers will be alerted. They in turn will share your content with their friends and followers, and the momentum keeps building. But before this can happen you need to have fresh, relevant, and interesting content.Keep it FreshSpking offresh content, this is the fifth tip for you today. Revisit your pages periodically to be sure the content is still fresh and engaging. Maybe you’ve changed your products and need to update the description and expand upon their benefits. Perhaps you’ve added a new member to your tm and want to introduce them. Or maybe you just haven’t updated your content since you crted your website. Fresh content is recognized by srch engines, and appreciated by visitors.Keep your finger on the pulse of your industry and reflect these trends on your pages. As srches change according to current trends, Google and other srch engines recognize content which reflects these trends. Don’t let your site go stale, make sure is still gives rders something they want and is up to date.Use thesefive tips to help boost your site’s SEO. Content is still king and it is one of the mostaffordable SEOtactics you can use. Well written, professional yet conversational tone, word rich (but not stuffed), and relevant content will boost your SEO and attract loyal rders and followers to your site.
Author BioKathryn McDowell is a freelance writer with a mission to edue website owners aboutaffordable SEO. She recommends contacting Cohlab for ids and assistance with crting fresh engaging content for your site.

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